Rooting Hormone – Cutting Aid

৳ 280.00৳ 650.00


Rooting Hormone – Cutting Aid


Price: 650 Tk ( 100g bottle )

Price: 350 Tk ( 50g bottle )

Price: 280 Tk ( 30g bottle )

Price: 220 Tk ( 15g bottle )

Price: 170 Tk ( 10g bottle )


CUTTING AID (Help in profuse rooting)

It is a mixture of IAA, IBA, NAA. Vitamins etc. A “three in one” superfast root promoter equally effective for soft, medium & hard wood cuttings, air & ground layers, tubers, bulbs, tea, betelvine, cacti and succulents etc. Can be used as powder, paste or suspension.

3 gm/litre of water



Reference Tutorial Link:


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