-Horn Meal – MGSS3024
৳ 80.00 – ৳ 140.00
Horn Meal – শিঙের গুঁড়া – MGSS3024
Price: 80 Taka ( 500g Pack )
Price: 140 Taka ( 1 Kg Pack )
Horn meal fertilizer is a great source of nitrogen (12%) for organic garden plants. It also has a small amount of phosphorus (2%) for healthy roots and stems.
This organic fertilizer is made from cooked ground dehydrated cattle hooves and horns obtained from slaughterhouses.
Hoof and horn meal is equivalent to blood meal in Nitrogen content, but the nutrient availability is slower, which is better for organic crops and with less “leaf burn” damage and it contains Phosphorus. It’s nutrient availability starts at around 4-6 weeks and can lasts 12 months.
- Used to increase green leaf growth
- Used to increase root growth
- Improves soil structure
- Nutrient availability is slower than in Blood Meal and is a better choice
- Can be used as a compost decomposition activator
** Use 15 to 20 grams per sqft
*alternate to TSP
#72T-1K(31082024-DEBRAJ) #80T-1K(230124-SHAKIL) #78T-1K(231223-DEBRAJ) #Horn #Meal #Hoof #organic #fertilizer #শিঙের #গুঁড়ো #natural #nitrogen #plant #health #healthy #Supplement #food #price #in #near #me #online #shop #store #supplies #retail #bulk #wholesale #good #quality #Dhaka #Bangladesh #price #of #home #delivery #service #অর্গানিক #প্রাকৃতিক #জৈব #সার #বাগান #গাছ #ছাদ #ছাদবাগান #বাগানী #পুষ্টি #ফল #ফুল #চারা #garden.com.bd #gardenbd #Bonayon #Bonayon.com #Gardeniac #RecallGreen #BrikkhoBazar.com #BrikkhoBazar #BDGardenersLtd #Gardeners #GardenFreshBangladesh #আমার #সাঁজঘর #BrandSeed #Edenic #ecogrower #SeedsBD #GardeningEssentials-BD #Khatighor #খাটিঘর #Nagarkrishi #নগরকৃষি
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